Gateway to College Commencement
Congratulations Graduates!
You have worked hard to achieve this milestone. For that reason, this page is dedicated to celebrating your achievement and acknowledging your success!
This website honors Gateway to College at 博彩网站’s graduating class of 2020. Here you’ll find video presentations from our commencement speakers, a list of graduating student award winners, graduate profiles, and messages of encouragement from faculty and staff.
Professors, instructors, peers, co-workers, family members, and friends are also encouraged to join in and post congratulatory messages for graduates.
To top it off, students will have an opportunity to walk the stage, retrieve their diploma, and take photos in the auditorium at John J. Duggan Academy at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, June 10th, 2020.
Once again congratulations!
Your commencement video will premiere here and on YouTube on Friday, June 12 at 4:00 p.m.!
We would like to say thank you to President John Cook, SPS Superintendent Daniel Warwick, Assistant Superintendent Lydia Martinez, and Principal Rhonda Jacobs for their support of K-12 district innovation, as our students may not have otherwise had such an opportunity.
We would also like to take this opportunity to recognize the faculty and staff at 博彩网站 for their hard work and dedication with our students. Lastly, we would like to extend a very special thank you to our students’ parents, families, and friends, whose personal and academic support is so crucial to their success.
Special Recognition Awards

Today the Gateway staff also wants to recognize an alumna who earned her Bachelor’s degree this year.
Hardworking and dedicated, Ashley Scott spent three semesters with us and earned 30 college credits prior to graduating high school. Ashley transferred to 博彩网站 after obtaining her high school diploma through Gateway. She earned an Associate degree as an Engineering and Science transfer and went on to study at Western New England University, where she earned a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. We're extremely proud of Ashley and look forward to celebrating her next accomplishment!
Graduation Student Speaker

Talaija Lawson, Gateway’s student speaker was not sure she would graduate after experiencing some personal challenges and setbacks. In fact, when she started at Gateway she was not on track to graduate on time. However, through ongoing guidance, encouragement, and support from the Gateway staff and her family, she is graduating a year early. She attributes her success to better planning and time management, studying, tutoring, seeking extra help from her professors, and the many pep-talks she received from the Gateway staff.
Social Media Celebration
Please post congratulatory messages for graduates to the Gateway to College at 博彩网站 Facebook page.
June Graduates

Hajiro Ali
Cash app: $hajira234
While earning my diploma my greatest supporters were, my parents and my oldest siblings.
What I liked best about Gateway to College was, how I got to earn college credits while still pursuing my high school diploma.
What I enjoyed most about my experience at 博彩网站 was all the events, and being able to take two extra classes during my senior year that will help me with my college degree.
After graduation, I plan on taking summer and fall classes at 博彩网站, and thereafter transferring and finishing my remaining two years of college at a university.
I’m most looking forward to getting my bachelor’s degree.
Zhanae S. Alleyne
Instagram: @zhanae.Alleyne
While earning my diploma my greatest supporters were my mom and the Gateway staff, Katara, Diana, and Anita.
What I liked best about Gateway to College was the Gateway staff.
What I enjoyed most about my experience at 博彩网站 was the college campus. I also had some really great professors. And I love that my classes weren’t super early in the morning. I also enjoyed the coffee machine.
After graduation I plan to get a job and maybe go to college in the future.
I’m most looking forward to finally living on my own.

Ashley Denesha
Instagram: @ashdenesha
Cash app: $ashleyd1022
While earning my diploma my greatest supporters were, my parents, my brothers, and Katara and Anita.
What I liked best about Gateway to College was, the counselors.
After graduation I plan to, explore my options.
I’m most looking forward to graduating.

Madeline Kroll
Instagram: @maddy.slaysss
Cash app: $MaddyKroll
While earning my diploma my greatest supporters were, Jennifer Kroll, Walter Kroll, Ashlinn Hogan, and my counselors.
What I liked best about Gateway to College was independence, maturity, and the support.
What I enjoyed most about my experience at 博彩网站 was the fact that we had time gaps between classes. I didn’t feel rushed going from one class to another.
After graduation I plan to attend Goodwin University to pursue a career in nursing.
I’m most looking forward to taking the things I’ve learned and applying them in real world situations.

Talaija Lawson
Instagram: @playboyybarbie
Cash app: $TherealTalaija
While earning my diploma my greatest supporters were the Gateway staff, my grandparents, and my aunt.
What I liked best about Gateway to College was that mostly everyone there was mature. So there really wasn’t any drama, and I liked that. Everyone minded their business and did what they had to do. And, the Gateway staff was always supporting me 24/7.
What I enjoyed most about my experience at 博彩网站 was just being in a positive environment.
After graduation I plan to take a small break and then apply to 博彩网站 as a real college student,
I’m most looking forward to seeing what’s in store for me next.
Virjinett Placeres
Cash app: $virjinettplaceres
While earning my diploma my greatest supporters were Gateway staff Katara, Anita, Diana, and myself.
What I liked best about Gateway to College was that the community was very loving.
What I enjoyed most about my experience at 博彩网站 was experiencing the college student life.
After graduation I plan to go to 博彩网站 for two years and then transfer to Westfield State.
I’m most looking forward to living as an adult, actually having a taste of reality.

Wilmarie Rosado
Facebook: Marie Rosa
Instagram: @Bxby.wilma19
While earning my diploma my greatest supporters were, my husband, and everyone in the Gateway office.
What I liked best about Gateway to College was, that the staff was friendly, helpful, and made me feel welcome.
What I enjoyed most about 博彩网站 was experiencing college and having friends to talk to.
After graduation I plan to go to college and become an EMT.
I’m most looking forward to walking across the stage, knowing I proved myself.
Danielle Tetreault
Instagram: @daniellelt20
Facebook: Danielle Tetreault
Cash app: $danielletetreault
While earning my diploma my greatest supporters were, my parents, Tina and Albert Tetreault, Gateway Staff, Katara and Anita, and my god mother Charlene.
What I liked best about Gateway to College was, the independence, breaks in between classes which to complete work for other classes, or take a nap. There’s no drama. I got to experience college, and the classes are not like high school. I’m expected to just get the work done. Katara and Anita were also helpful with school and career exploration.
My experience at 博彩网站 was great! And the professors were cool. I plan to attend classes at 博彩网站 as a college student also.
After graduation, I will be working while continuing my education so I can make good money and live my best life.
I’m most looking forward to my dad seeing me walk, and saying I did it, even with everything I went through over the past two years to get my diploma.
August Graduates

Juwayriyah BintKhalid Ayed
Instagram: @tinkerjayy
Cash app: $lunalov3gud
While earning my diploma my greatest supporters were: My Mother, My best friends, my advisors.
What I liked best about Gateway to College was: The friends I made and the memories I have.
What I enjoyed most about my experience at 博彩网站 was: Just being with friends everyday, I experienced so many things and I got to do it with people who I really cherish.
After graduation I plan to: Continue my education at 博彩网站 and get my associates.
I’m most looking forward to: I’m looking forward to it all. The highs, the lows, the in-betweens… I’m looking forward to growing into my talents, becoming more confident in my abilities, and becoming more unapologetic about who I am. And one day, to writing the next best seller.

Aysha DeJesus
Facebook: Aysha DeJesus
Cash app: $ayd20
While earning my diploma my greatest supporters were, family, friends, and all the staff at Gateway to College.
What I liked best about Gateway to College was, the support and all the help I received.
What I enjoyed most about my experience at 博彩网站 was: I was able to be myself and met a lot of helpful, friendly people.
After graduation I plan to, continue at 博彩网站 with a business transfer.
I’m most looking forward to accomplishing my goals and proving that I can do anything.

Zandalyz Ivette
Instagram: @ms.eastbby
Cash app: $Ivettebaybee
While earning my diploma my greatest supporters were, my Nana, *May she Rest in Peace*, my fiancé, and the Gateway staff.
What I liked best about Gateway to College was, interacting with open-minded people, the mature environment, learning things I wouldn’t have in a regular high school, and gaining greater knowledge.
What I enjoyed most about my experience at 博彩网站 was: Super engaging, great environment, the independence.
After graduation I plan to, go back to 博彩网站 and join the Police Cadet program.
I’m most looking forward to starting a new exciting chapter in life.

Reinaldo Ortiz
Snapchat: alphaboyyy101
Cash app: $reydareal
While earning my diploma my greatest supporters were, God, family, friends, teachers/professors, and the Gateway to College staff.
What I liked best about Gateway to College was, The opportunity to take responsibility for my own education. The trust between students and staff to make the right decisions. The continued support from the Gateway To College staff. Great college learning environment which allows students to work on their social and communication skills between their fellow classmates and professors. I love how the Gateway To College program takes the focus off mistakes students have made in the past, and focuses more on the steps students can take to improve themselves from the moment they are accepted into the program.
What I enjoyed most about my experience at 博彩网站 was being able to experience a college environment firsthand at a young age. The personal freedom which included being able to manage my own time, and take responsibility for my own actions.
After graduation I plan to attend 博彩网站 for two years and receive my associates degree. Transfer to a four year University (possibly UMASS) finish my last two years of college and receive my bachelors.
I’m most looking forward to Starting my life as an adult. Working towards achieving all the goals I have for myself. Creating a legacy, and making my loved ones proud. I am excited to see how God’s plan for life will play out regardless of the trials and tribulations that I will face in the future.

Erika Rijo
Instagram: @erikarijo
Interior iD: @innerdesigns
Beauty Biz: @estelabeautyofficial
While earning my diploma my greatest supporters were, my parents, siblings, and best friends.
What I liked best about Gateway to College was, the environment and the people.
What I enjoyed most about my experience at 博彩网站 was, learning more about other people’s culture and getting to meet and talk with those people.
After graduation, I will be attending Bay Path University and plan to double major in Interior Design and Early Childhood Education, or minor in Performing Arts.
I’m most looking forward to, graduating high school and starting a new chapter in my life.
Leah Marie
Instagram: @Leah.Sorrell
Business Pages: @Shopboujeeluxury_ @Shopboujeebabeco
While earning my diploma my greatest supporters were my grandmother and Katara
What I liked best about Gateway to College was how supporting and motivating the staff was and how much less stressful it was for me to get my work done!
What I enjoyed most about my experience at 博彩网站 was the independency, being able to navigate through a college campus alone while still technically being a high school student.
After graduation I plan to expand my two businesses and purchase my first apartment/house.
I’m most looking forward to not having to stress about high school and/or completing it because I didn’t know if I was going to do it or not honestly.
Staff Congratulatory Messages
Special Thanks
Academic Affairs
- Vice President for Academic Affairs, Geraldine de Berly
- Dean of Academic Initiatives, Matthew Gravel
Gateway Program Faculty
- Paula Bernal
- James Cavallo
- James McDonald
- James Ramah
- James Riddle
- Wendi Tatro
- Renee Tetrault
- Milton White
博彩网站 Staff/Faculty
Many of the faculty and staff at 博彩网站 have worked tirelessly to support the
Gateway program and encourage students along the way.
We appreciate all of you, acknowledge, and thank you for your hard work and dedication!
Special thanks to staff and faculty in the following departments:
Admissions, Athletics, Bookstore, Business Services, Career Development Center, Center for Access Services, Copy Center, Disability Services, English Department, Facilities, Fitness Center, Health and Wellness Center, Information Technology, Institutional Advancement and Foundation, Library, Mailroom, Maintenance, Marketing and Communications, Math Department, Parking Office, Registrar’s Office, SIMS Medical Center, 博彩网站 Police, STEM Department, Student Activities, Student Affairs, Student Financial Services, Student Government, Student Success Center, Testing Center, Workforce Development